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AHRC REsearch on Smart Urban advertising

Smart Urban Advertising, incorporating interactive digital technologies, is a growing market worldwide, with considerable potential for aesthetic and economic impact in UK cities. A wealth of academic literature examines the commercial value and marketing strategies of outdoor advertising, but it neglects the far-reaching impact of three emerging factors: new technologies, such as location-based services (Wi-Fi, GPS, RFID, Beacons); further mediation/hybridisation of space (e.g. through augmented reality); and the new demands of mobile consumers. With digital technologies are radically changing urban outdoor advertising in the UK and globally, through hybrid, responsive, individualised media, there is significant opportunity and pressing need to engage in leading, cross-disciplinary arts and humanities research in relation to this area.

Together with our partners, McCann Manchester and the Virtual Engineering Centre, we are working on three lines of research.

1. Conceptualisation of city space The first PhD student will investigate how technological innovation can impact on the way outdoor advertising is embedded in three-dimensional urban spaces (visualisation/mediation of content). We are keen that that researcher considers in this study the different dimensions and qualities of “embeddedness” from a spatial, temporal and social perspective.

2. Personalisation and responsiveness of content Working with a leading advertising practice, the second PhD student will explore latest thinking on innovation into the content and delivery of personalised and responsive advertising in the context of urban architectural spaces. We envision advertising becoming integral to, for instance, spatial features, movement, gestures, geo-location and personal interests.

2. New business models through new modes of delivery The final PhD student will develop and plan a scenario for a new business model that considers new forms of personalised interaction between advertising, city space and public (scenario planning).


Thursday. 26 June 2017

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